
Friday, September 28, 2012

Cool Things My Friends Do: Perry Campbell - Sales Recruiter Austin, Texas

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives.

Finding the right sales people can be a rough task for many companies.  Those who have the right mix of skills, personality, drive and proven success are hard to find.  Smart companies get professionals to help them discover the high-level sales people who will impact the bottom line.

Perry Campbell is one of those guys who goes and matches organizations to the right talent for sales.  I have recently gotten to know Perry (he has been in Austin a long time, and we have many mutual friends... but had never met before last month.  Like me, he is also originally from California).  His company C2H Recruiters specializes in sales professionals. Over the past 13 years, Perry and his team have put together the largest professional business to business sales vertical staffing network in the country, with a reach of well over 300,000 high revenue producing sales professionals.

But Perry is more than a headhunter.  He cares about assisting his clients in making the right selections that will be the correct cultural fit and also deliver results.

While he works with organizations of all sizes all around the United States, his home is in Austin.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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