
Saturday, September 08, 2012

If Oprah and Michael Jordan Can Find Success.... So Can The Rest of Us

RT (from twitter) @DavisHillAustin- Never let anyone tell you that you "Can't". Go get the training and figure out a plan - so you can prove to the world that you "CAN".

My 8th grade English teacher (Mrs. Nicholidas) told me I did not belong in the advanced class because she did not feel I fully grasped the nuances of grammar. When I said I wanted to write books in my future... she told me it would not happen for me.

Well, she was wrong... I have penned 9 non-fiction books (with a 10th in the works and a contributed chapter in the National Speakers Associations new book "Speak More").  While I never claim to be the world's greatest writer on the planet, people seem to find value in some of my words.  And hundreds read my blog each week.  Maybe I am not a "great" writer... but she was wrong... I am "good enough"!!!  Plus, an editor and a proof reader come in handy when finishing a book. 

Her words were hurtful, really, as I spent 20+ years wishing and not doing ...when it came to writing.  And because of her I have never yet tried my hand at writing fiction.

I think of all the kids out there who have teachers with their own issues (chips on their shoulders?) who make them feel bad or discouraged..... and I hope they can prove them wrong by finding their own way to shine.  

We can't have a "do-over".... and I while I wish I could go back and kick my own butt a little to get some direction earlier, we have to work from where we are now.  I cannot change that teacher's words, but I can prove her wrong.  

Author John Assaraf posted a visual graphic online the other day that talked about "Famous Failures"...
  • Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team
  • Walt Disney was let go from a newspaper for lacking imagination
  • The Beatles were rejected by Decca Recording Studio and told they had no future in the business
  • Steve Jobs was fired from Apple
and my favorite... 
  • Oprah Winfrey was demoted from her job as a TV anchor because "she wasn't fit for television"
Ha.... These reminded me of how some who should be "experts" often have opinions that are so wrong it is just silly.  Can you imagine being at a dinner party with the guy who told Oprah she would not cut it in TV?  I assume that is not how he kicks off his elevator pitch.  

Never let those who want to kill your dreams win!!!!

Have A Great Day.

thom singer  


  1. FYI... to be clear... the Twitter post referred to at the opening of this blog post is from my own business training company's Twitter account. (Full disclosure).

  2. Thom, your words ring TRUE. I never had a teacher who made such a harsh comment to me. My biggest negativity came from ME. One day I read a newspaper column by Harvey MacKay and it really did change my way of thinking and my life. The title of the column was "Don't Say No To Yourself." Sounds simple, right? From that moment on, I quit putting limits on myself. At 45ish, I was promoted from an executive secretarial position to the public relations manager for an international aerospace company. I am currently the Marketing Manager for a non profit agency and also pursuing a new career as a professional artist. I work hard and prepare. Success comes with a little luck, a lot of hard work, and the simple concept to not let anyone, not even yourself, stand in your way.

  3. There are many teachers in our schools who do not intend to hurt the dreams of students. But they do anyway. Many people can tell a story about a teacher who stood in their way. But thankfully others have the opposite story, and a wonderful teacher helped them find their dream.
