
Monday, October 25, 2010

Plan For Success In 2011 - Goals, Dreams, New Contacts, More Victories

Sign Up NOW for "Re-Ignite Your Dream Machine".

Monday, November 1, 2010

Austin, Texas

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (followed by a networking reception)

St Edward's University (Mabee Ballroom)

We all have dreams and goals for the future, but sometimes we get off track and caught in a rut.

Perhaps your dreams were stolen by negative relationships in your life or maybe by a tough year in your business.

You can turn around your life and your career by taking ownership of your dreams, goals, relationships and planning for victory. You can be successful in whatever it is that you want to do!

This seminar will inspire you to look toward achieving more for the rest of the year and into 2011. Come network with other professionals (someone in attendance might be the person you need to meet), get a free book, learn from exciting speakers, and most of all, come “Reignite Your Dream Machine”!

$10 in advance ($20 at door).

CLICK HERE to register NOW!!!

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we get so caught up in making it through what is happening in the now- that we forget that we are working towards something. We need to step back every so often and regain our perspective on what we are after. Sometimes when we revisit these things- we realize the goal has changed. Or we find a new way to get to where we are headed.
