
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Re-Ignite Your Dream Machine

We all have dreams for our future, but sometimes those dreams are stolen from us. Perhaps your dreams were stolen by negative relationships in your life or maybe by a tough year in your business. You can turn around your life and your career simply by remembering your dreams and turning them into goals!

You can be successful in whatever it is that you want to do!

Please join me and Bill Moyer, an expert on leadership and goal setting, for a motivational and inspirational event. Come network with other professionals and “Reignite Your Dream Machine”.

Close out 2010 strong!

CLICK HERE to register.

WHEN: November 1, 2010

WHERE: St Edward's University (Mabee Ballroom), Austin, Texas

TIME: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (Followed by networking at Opal Divines Penn Field on South Congress)

COST: $10 (in advance) / $20 (at door)

Have A Great Day.


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