
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Customized Business Development Training Workshops by Webinar

Organizations with less than twenty-five employees regularly skip high quality training programs for their team of professionals due to the expense associated with educational events.

I regularly receive phone calls from small law firms, banks, accounting firms, real estate companies, and other service providers that want to have me speak to their professionals.... However they often cannot justify the cost of travel across country to their city for a small group presentation.

Over the past several months I have been conducting a Beta Test on delivering my training program via webinar. While I believe that a "live" presentation is the best way to inspire people, the feedback I have gotten on the webinars has been overwhelmingly positive.

I am now ready to announce that my educational, motivational, and inspirational presentation "Some Assembly Required: How to Make, Grow, and Keep Your Business Relationships" is available for groups of ten to twenty-five as a webinar (complete with the accompanying workbook). I will work with your team to get them engaged in the business community, establish and grow visibility, and help create a path to more business.

Doing nothing means everything remains the same. If your organization is not happy with the current state of your growth efforts, the first step is a conversation.

Please contact me directly for pricing options.

Have A Great Day.


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