
Friday, July 23, 2010

Recent College Graduates Looking For A Job - The Answers To Employment and Career Success Are Closer Than You Think!

The power of business relationships and networking are not a mystery. If you are in college or a recent graduate you should read "Some Assembly Required: A Networking Guide for Graduates" (New Year Publishing, 2010).

Establishing the foundation for a lifetime of mutually beneficial relationships with other professionals who seek to help each other succeed is key to your career. This book by Anne Brown and myself will make it all easier.

Do not wake up one day at 40 years old and say "Oh Shoot, I should have done this 20 years ago".

Available NOW at

Have A Great Day


PS - Do you like this video? Are you an author looking to create something similar to promote your book?

Contact Paul Durban at
Blazonfire. I went to high school with Paul over twenty years ago. This is proof that this networking stuff works, as when you keep in touch, the right people with the right skills show up when you need them!

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