
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Good People Day

The video below is from Gary Vaynerchuk. He has declared today (April 3rd) "Good People Day". He began this in 2008.

I love this concept. I spent several Decembers doing the "Praise Others Project" (2006), the "Celebrate Passion Project" (2007) and the "Celebrate Austin Entrepreneurs Projects" (2008) on this blog, but the concept fell short with some readers. I wanted others to embrace the idea of praise on their blogs, but nobody bit on the idea.

Seems it is hard to get people excited about dedicating time to discovering and talking about what makes other people awesome. Maybe the huge audience that Gary Vee has online will cause praise to be the hottest topic online today.

Think about it. What if you went crazy today praising others. Then what if everyone else did the same thing. Imagine the good vibes that would flood the universe.

Here is what Gary said on his blog in 2008:

April 3rd 2008 is “GOOD PEOPLE DAY” Pass it on

I want to try to get the WHOLE INTERNET Community behind this mission I have to make sure that tomorrow people write and talk abd blog and twitter and just flat out SING about people that are AWESOME and GOOD. It is time that we take control of the fact that WE are the media and pump out a day tomorrow that will make NOISE across this WORLD! Please take the time tonight to gather your thoughts as you come up with ideas on how to spread the word about AWESOME people! I am looking for blog posts, twitters, powncers, facebooking, digging, flickring, stumpling on all things that are good about PEOPLE!

(Please tag all mentions online with “GPD10”)

I began making a list of all the "Good People" I know. The problem is the list was too long and I just know I would leave someone out, and thus I would offend.

But I do need to praise the heck out of my family. My wife, Sara, and my kids put up with my crazy transition to being an entrepreneur, with all the travel, long hours and sacrifice that goes with it. I am not sure they know that I am not just doing this for myself (I am loving it), but there is a greater motivation than just personal reasons. It involves them, too! I praise them for their support and for just being cool, funny and very crucial to my success.

Have A Great Day.


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