
Monday, April 12, 2010

Energize Your Career

April is the right time to examine the velocity on your plan for the year.

Have no plan? It is not too late to create one and focus your energy. If you want a victory in your life this year you have to know what success looks like.

Behind on plan? There is still a lot of time to catch up. Wait too long and the year will be lost.

Confused? Lethargic? Tired? Lazy? Lost? It happens to everyone. Snap out of it now before you find yourself in a spiral of blah.

Exceeding expectations? Rock and Roll. But do not get complacent. Reassess your trajectory and maximize your efforts.

Have A Great Day.


PS- Do you know someone who needs a business or life booster shot? Send them a copy of "Batteries Not Included: 66 Tips to Energize Your Career". It is praised as a great book for motivating anyone who needs to create small victories in their daily routine.


  1. Thank you. Your blog always seems to say the right thing on the day I need to hear it most. I am behind on plan, and was ignoring it.

  2. Mary Pat-

    Thanks. Keep coming back, I appreciate the comments you leave. Always make me smile.


  3. Most people go through the motions with no plan or goals. Sad, really.
