Monday, June 15, 2009 "Netstorming Events"

Today was another "Netstorming Event", hosted by Scott Ingram of

Each month Scott hosts a consistently enthusiastic and eclectic group of Austin business professionals for an interesting mix of a motivating and informative speaker, coupled with "Netstorming".

The June event speaker was local businessman Peter Strople, founder of Zero 2. Peter's challenging message to the eager audience was one of excelling in your career. Peter is a student of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Theory of Flow, and the repetitively reminded the crowd that when you are doing what you were meant to do, it just become natural. It is not work when you know who you are and how you are making a positive impact on the rest of the world.

Netstorming allows for tables of eight to explore ways for people to provide valuable advice to others who are looking for creative ways to expand their business. Each person has five minutes, in which time the savvy ones spend 90 seconds giving an overview of what they do, coupled with half a minute of describing a challenge. The remaining three minutes are used for those at the table to shout out ideas that can inspire the person to discover a new way of approaching their business.

The table I sat out had a delightfully diverse group of professionals. The advantage to participating in the events is that you have the opportunity to meet an exciting cross section of people whom you may not otherwise encounter. The best part is the ideas you hear pour out of people from different backgrounds. It is easy to see the world through the windows from which you and your peer group look from.... but true perspective comes from alternative vantage points.

Networking is an important element in success and any gathering where good people congregate can bring opportunities.

Have A Great Day.


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