
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Do You Twitter?

Many people I talk with have no idea what is Twitter. Some that do think it is a waste of time. Then there are those who live and die by this website called Twitter. Only two years ago many had not heard of the blogosphere, and now it has become mainstream, so just because some don't "get" the expansion of Twitter, does not mean it is not an interesting tool.

Although my Twitter community is very small (I am selective to only follow people whom I know or admire from afar), and I do not check it often (nor do I forward it to my phone, which is an option), I have learned some interesting things from the cool folk on my list. Plus it is a great study in how people connect in the world of social online media.

Click here to read an article by Shelia Scarborough on that does the best job I have seen at explaining Twitter.

Also, Steve Lubetkin pipes in with how Twitter rocks his professional life. Click here!

Additionally, the LA Times is reporting on the details of the LA Fires on Twitter. Hmmmm, interesting.

Even the LA Fire Department puts info out on Twitter.

Consultant and writer Marshall Kirkpatrick says Twitter pays his rent!

And lets not forget presidential hopefuls....they Twitter. Here is John Edwards Twitter.

So if you did not know about Twitter a minute ago, or you did not think there was any validity to Twitter....I hope you see it is something. What I am not sure, but it is something. You heard it here first (or maybe not).

Have A Great Day.


1 comment:

  1. What if...

    You are the sales manager supervising a team of 10+ outside sales reps with large territories. What if your team subscribed to Twitter? Could this replace some of the contact reports you do? What if your best customers were allowed to subscribe also?
